In a league of your own By Ron Johnson 12/01/24:
When you’re in a league of your own it does not mean that you’re better than others. Simply put, when you’re in a league of your own it means that you’re the best at what you do / created. Especially when it is the world’s only of its kind, unduplicatable Naturell Luxury Cocktail Collection / not in competition with any other, hints the meaning in a league of your own.
Everyone knows that dreams are free, real and confidential to the person that dreamt them. Meaning you solely own your dreams outright and have exclusively.
With that said if everyone has free will to dream whatever their heart desires and turn said dreams into reality if compelled to do so. That being the case why on GOD’s green earth would anyone fill the need to end or steal someone’s career by any means because of what they created with their free will from follow one’s dreams?
Because I mind my Own business and stay focused on my craft and what TMH has called me here to do I operate on a different level altogether, and idioms that separate me from the norm are just what it is.
With the world’s population being 8.2 billion people spread over 24,901miles the distance around the world, there should be no need for anyone to have jealousy, block, steal or end anyone’s career / creations especially when there is enough to go around for everyone who dares to put the work into turning their dreams into reality.
Key words THEIR dreams.
Jealousy and hate led to a group of low-vibing officials who took my kindness for weakness when they tried to block, steal, and end my career / creations because they didn’t want the world to see what I had to offer.
Yes, it was a great travesty but when they came for my life, it was the beginning of the end for them. Integrity is important. My standards are TMH’s standards. They came after the right one, meaning they had no idea who they were targeting.
Filled with too much hate to notice they never observed little old me moving in silence while they reaped havoc in my life. All the while seeing me go on with my daily routine without a care in the world, no matter how hard they tried to disrupt my peace, and purpose should have raised a flag or two.
To occupied with celebrating my ending they would later awaken to learn I bought the entire house of corruption down with intuition and lethal penmanship.
After being in my presence and conversing like good fellas while smoking cigars on several occasions, the hitmen sent to delete me would come to learn that my persona did not fit the narrative they were given as to why I needed to be terminated.
Being an earth angel who minds their business and keeps to themselves, nice and mild-mannered most times yes, but when cowards who I don’t know try to take my freedom and my life because I dared to dream, they get to meet the demon in me.

After coming for me the head of the snake (s) had to go.
I mean what can I say I’ve always heard others say GOD works in mysterious ways, I don’t know anything about that, but I know how he works through me. Underestimated and overlooked like the Dionaea Muscipula when you realize what happened its game over.
Reminiscing about my upbring while growing up in Chi-Raq and asking myself how in the world do racist think they’re putting fear in me. A person who grew up in hell on the south side of Chicago in the Altgeld Gardens housing projects, whose been through real guerrilla warfare with real guns unlike the authority’s half my life and lived to talk about it?
My past speaks for itself.
Because of my blackened skin which some took for ignorance its clear someone did not do their homework, their strength in numbers gave them a false scene of security.
Ready to go to war TMH said chill my faithful servant I got this there is no need to get your heavenly hands dirty, for they are too valuable.
The pen is mightier than the sword, putting pen to paper your truth will be the only weapon needed to expose corruption and crimes against humanity. With your faith in me, your truths with my presents backing you the house will fall.
After doing my part in the 3D I was asked how did I want those who wronged me to be punished? My reply was, however, you see fit. TMH handled everything else in the 5D by making sure my truths would get into the hands of earth angels and believers in the justice system who were not corruptible, meaning no coverup.
So is above so is below.
Psalm 105:15 TMH, said touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm. I can’t fathom the level of hate one would have in their heart to take a person from their family by false imprisonment or murdering them for no other reason than to keep them from achieving great success, recognition or fame due to their exceptional skills, talents and abilities.
Who would have thought that today in America / world being Black you could lose your freedom or your life because a select few who think their more powerful than GOD.
Those who don’t want to see others succeed in life need to understand that we who believe in ourselves will always fight for our dreams with no excuses. Creators, angels and demons like me, when I must be will never bow down or let fake tyrants take our creations nor stop us from reaching the finish line when we get it out of the mud.
In our pursuit of happiness, we have a burning desire that could never be extinguished, because of our strength, resilience, determination and unweaving faith. The finish line is where people like me end up because people with unwavering faith don’t lose.
Psalm 105:15 touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm, lies change 24/7 while the truth meaning undisputable facts remains as is.
“Never underestimate divine retribution or the presence of TMH’s favor in someone’s life epically when he put them in a league of their own”. ~ Ron Johnson